[Damien, Ellen, Minnie, Barbara, William]

Magical Diary: Wolf Hall

Scion of an ancient noble family, you are taking a gap year to study magic in foreign lands - America, specifically. In the second Magical Diary game, you can once more explore Iris Academy - and uncover more of the mysteries lurking from the first game.

Buy Magical Diary: Wolf Hall on itch.io or Steam.

Download Wolf Hall demo (~75MiB): Linux | Windows | Mac

[A witch holding a star wand in a dungeon]

Magical Diary: Horse Hall

Go to magical school! Learn spells! Date a demon prince! Marry your professor!* Explore dungeons! Features five datable characters, piles of spells, multiple solutions to puzzles, and persistent dungeon graffiti.

Buy Magical Diary: Horse Hall through itch.io, BMT Micro (Linux | Windows | Mac), or Steam.

Download Horse Hall demo (~48MiB): Linux | Windows | Mac

* You only have a chance to marry a professor in Horse Hall.

Players can post their characters publically in our online yearbook.

Troubleshooting | Hanako forum | Steam Horse Hall forum | Steam Wolf Hall forum

If you want to make a fan translation of Horse Hall, you can get started with MagicalDiary-Translations- (Updated 2017 July 8).

If you want translation files for Wolf Hall, contact me and I'll prep them and put them up.