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Magical Diary Changelog

Spoiler Warning

Changes may reveal bits about the plot that you would rather not have revealed. If you don't want to risk spoilers, just ignore the changelog and either update your game to the latest stable version or do not update it at all unless you encounter a bug.

This changelog is in chronological order; version numbers come AFTER any changes that are included in that version. (Thus, for example, you gain 5 weird points for stealing panties in 0.9.9, not in 0.9.8.). This also explains why an awful lot of changes are labeled 'should fix (something)' - because we marked the change down when it was made, before we were sure if it had actually fixed the problem.

[ 0.9.8 - beta fullbuild ]
* Gain 5 weird points when trying to steal panties.
* Interpretive dance gains 10 weird.
* Dictator options running for president.
* Treasurer trophy now unlocks when you win Treasurer.
* Weird added when picking Donald's present.
* Weird added when you dodge during sparring practice.
* Typo ('Swordswmith') in yearbook fixed.
* 'Sleep on a pile of gold' and 'Become an evil dictator' added to yearbook.
[ 0.9.9 - alpha patch (no beta) ]
* Fatgirl and thingirl mean expressions added.
* Virginia now shows up correctly when you drain her to power the crystal.
* Campaign speech aftermaths correctly chosen for dictator candidates.
* Mean player now lint-clean.
[ 0.9.10 - alpha patch, no beta ]
* Player mean removed, using crazyface instead.
* 95-mischief-crazyface optimized.
+ Weirdo trophy should work.
* Star Student trophy now gained at 50 merits.
* Comment decrufting.
* Very first detention should now unlock Naughty.
* Stars/sound gaining stress in week4 detention.
* Staredges now hidden after writing a report in week8 detention.
* All detentions should now unlock the appropriate trophies.
[ 0.9.11 - alpha patch. ]
* 'Been Naughty' trophy renamed 'Naughty' in unlock.
* Oct 5 detention now has the stress-increment properly subtle.
[ 0.9.12 - alpha patch, beta June 1st, 2011 ]
* Snake/Summer School trophy added.
* Horse/Summer School trophy added.
* New summer school text on the 30th added.
* Should no longer get 'Roommate 2.0!' in yearbook if you failed the exam due to refusing to pledge not to speak to Damien.
* Spacing fixes in Ellen's yearbook messages.
+ FirstName should be expanded in Potsdam's yearbook sig.
[ 0.9.13 - alpha patch, no beta ]
* Yearbook crash introduced in 0.9.13 fixed.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Text fixes.
* 'what matters it that' changed to 'is that'
* Virginia dance scenes expanded.
[ 0.9.14 - alpha patch, no beta ]
* Summer School trophy on Trophies page.
* Summer School caption "You can't go home again.".
* Fixed missing virginia dance_flustered_blush sprites.
[ - alpha patch. ]
+ Clobber RPYC files with those from .14.
+ Recompile rpyc files.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Virginia dance_flustered_blush has a talker.
[ - alpha patch. ]
+ force recompile of bytecode and week32.rpyc
[ - alpha patch. ]
+ Pull .3's week32.rpyc back in.
[ - alpha patch, no beta ]
* Period pulled into {i}all their fault{/i} in week32.
* Crash in Potsdam's yearbook signature fixed.
* Debug messages trimmed.
[ - alpha patch, beta, prob nostable due to summer school bug. ]
* Ellen romance path should no longer unconditionally give you summer school text.
* Painful Lessons diary entry on Jan 10 fixed.
* Time should now pass after pushing a Hodag.
[ 0.9.15 - alpha patch, beta, poss stable OK ]
* Unsuccessfully pushing the Hodag should now cost MP.
[ - alpha patch, beta ]
* Yearbook should now encode the most likely to field correctly.
[ - alpha patch, beta June 8 2011, stable June 13 2011 ]
* Debug message trimmed.
* Traceback when you lose the battle of wits with the hooded figure fixed.
* Loading now only blocks rollback if done in the dungeon. (Or, technically, with the dungeon UI up.)
[ 0.9.16 - alpha patch, --nolink, beta June 13 2011, stable 2011 June 14 ]
+ Yearbook CGI changes.
+ Should now include .pyos in patch, in an attempt to ensure that missing unroller.set_type bugs are actually fixed.
[ - alpha patch, beta 2011 June 14 ]
* Test of side-button restyling.
[ - alpha patch, explodes in widescreen, pulled from latest ]
* Possible fix to side-button restyling crash.
[ - alpha patch, no beta ]
* Decrufting.
* Widescreen UI button style tweaks.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Use menu choice button narrow style for sidebuttons.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Sidebuttons use dungeon button style.
* Weird Thing no longer on trophy screen when last page has <=4 entries.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Decrufting.
* Sidebuttons should now use prefs button style/selection indicator.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Buttons now require at least 1160 before they jump to the side.
* Trophies darker.
[ 0.9.17 - alpha patch. ]
* Minimap should no longer hop up in dungeon widescreen.
* Trophies are now shown as light on dark instead of dark on light.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Dungeon widescreen minimap should no longer crash when the screen is wide enough to center it.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Decrufting.
* Should now display Northsoutheastwest properly on widescreen dungeon minimap.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Moved northsoutheastwest on widescreen dungeon again.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Moved eastwest on widescreen dungeon minimap up.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Twiddling diary UI.
* Decrufting.
* Diary redesign.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Lines on diary entry page restored.
* Decrufting.
* Stab at centering the diary.
* New month tabs.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Diary should no longer be (buggily) centered in widescreen.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Fairy and Bat Wings in Damien dance CGs.
* Decrufting.
* Period pulled into italics in week32.
* Virginia dance CGs handles wings differently.
* Ellen dance CGs handle wings.
* Diary should only fluff up the right if it's actually running in widescreen.
* Diary side-dangly widget added to make the background more interesting in widescreen.
* old dance-base.jpg/dress-base.jpg images removed.
[ 0.9.18 - alpha patch ]
* Sidedangly made 75% of original size.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Yearbook should look better in widescreen.
* Virginia's position restored to the correct location in dance CGs.
* Yearbook equipment should now use the pre-dance version.
* Party Dress now conflicts with Protective Gear, Rabbit, Sextant, and Amulet.
* Protective Gear and Amulet now conflict with Party Dress.
[ 0.9.19 - alpha patch. ]
* Should no longer give the 'I haven't bothered telling Ellen and Virginia that I'm stuck here for the summer' line if you don't have summer school.
[ - alpha patch, beta ]
* Possible rare crash in unlock_detention_trophies (if it's first called before the detention count has been incremented) fixed.
* Detention counter incremented in feb 8 detention.
[ 0.9.20 - alpha patch, beta June 17, 2011 ]
* Stubs to try to accomodate loading of demo-created savegames in full added.
* Workaround for some missing label crashes in return after loading.
[ 0.9.21 - alpha patch, beta June 17, 2011 ]
* New demo-interaction stubs added.
[ - alpha patch. ]
* Raven now placed behind Potsdam in the Black Magic intro.
* Should no longer crash when you try to put an illusory manus to sleep.
[ 0.9.22 - alpha, fullbuild. ]
[ 1.0 - alpha, fullbuild. ]
* LICENSE.txt added.
* Some obsolete files no longer bundled.
[ Real 1.0 fullbuilds. ]
* Should now jump to enter_yearbook after a failed yearbook character upload.
* Debug messages trimmed.
[ 1.0.1 - alpha patch, beta June 19th ]
* Should now properly import latest files supplied with FIXED reports.
* Should now hide diary tabs if you go to the diary from the end of a week.
[ 1.0.2 - alpha patch. ]
* Should no longer crash attempting to extract the newest beta version from the version list in a FIXED response.
+ updater.cgi no longer returns FIXED responses for versions prior to 1.0.3.
* 'View Traceback' button pulled from FIXED handler.
* FIXED message parsing should now ignore unsigned fix-explanation lines.
* FIXED message parsing now finally works right, and allows you to use alpha patches.
[ 1.0.3 - alpha patch, stable 2011 june 20th ]
* Debug messages trimmed.
* Decrufting.
* No longer crashes attempting to save unicode characters>127 in gallery unlocks.
* Can now read unicode characters >127 in gallery metadata.
[ 1.0.4 - alpha patch, beta 2011 june 20th ]
* C now only opens the spellbook in the dungeon when the UI is actually sensitive.
* Running out of HP in exam6 should now jump to the correct section.
* Damaging the Doors with fire should now say 'The doors take <#> damage.'
[ 1.0.5 - alpha patch, beta, stable 2011 June 22 ]
* Saving on the character creation screen should no longer crash.
* Loading old (1.0.5 or older) saves made on the character creation screen should no longer crash.
* Should no longer crash when you push the bridge into a dead end.
* Debug messages trimmed.
[ 1.0.6 - alpha patch with --nolink. Pulled because it added a crash. ]
* Candidate fix for bridge-pushing bugs.
[ 1.0.7 - alpha patch with --nolink, beta June 22, stable June 23 ]
* Obsidian Dawn and sd-stock added to credits.
[ 1.0.8 - alpha patch. ]
* GL partial workaround for Aleksandra's crash from demo added.
[ 1.0.9 - alpha patch/fullbuild; beta June 24th, 2011; stable June 30th, 2011 ]
* 'the clapping' in chapter1.rpy fixed.
* 'life. and the world of' in chapter1.rpy fixed.
[ 1.0.10 - alpha patch July 2, 2011; beta July 3, 2011 ]
* Debug messages trimmed.
* Crash when you put a trapped chest and a Sphere in the same location and then trigger the chest with Telepyre fixed.
[ 1.0.11 - alpha patch and fullbuilds July 3rd, 2011. ]
* Should no longer crash when you try to Entangle the Sink.
[ 1.0.12 - alpha patch July 4th, 2011, beta July 4th, 2011, stable July 12th, 2011 ]
* Prototype fix for undefined registration key errors on Vista.
* Will now automatically retry three times when an exception occurs in retrieve_yielding.
[ 1.0.13 - alpha fullbuild (no patch) July 4th, 2011 ]
* Bridges knocking things over should no longer crash. (dungeon.rpy line 183)
[ 1.0.14 - alpha patch. ]
- Abortive attempt at fixing the call stack bug.
* Candidate fix for the call stacking bugs when you encounter the manus.
* If there are pending calls in the dungeon, the UI will not become sensitive.
[ 1.0.15 - alpha patch, beta 2011 july 12 ]
* Cutie-Pie and Weirdo trophies can now be unlocked by equipping.
[ 1.0.16 - alpha patch. ]
* Wiggle Wand code.
* Store now supports odd numbers of items.
* Wiggle Wand graphic for thingirl.
* Wiggle Wand graphic for fatgirl.
+ Wiggle Wand support in chargen CGI.
* Plot tweaks added.
[ 1.0.17 - alpha patch. ]
* Quotes added to "Cast 'Empathy'" choices.
* Quotes added to a couple of other 'Cast (Spellname)' choices.
* Should no longer dump you back on the main menu after you Communicate with an invisible Minnie.
* minnie_mind now has (Mind).
[ 1.0.18 - alpha patch. ]
* HP decreases on 'The claws keep coming, wearing me down...'
* Sprite display fixed for Virginia and Ellen in the Tap the Flow final attempt.
[ - alpha patch, beta 2011 july 13, returned to stable 2011 Aug 24 ]
* Wands should now conflict with the Party Dress.
+ Updater should now log responses as well as tracebacks.
* Tracebacks now run through str() when the exception handler prints them to stdout.
[ 1.0.19 - alpha patch 2011 July 23, beta 2011 July 25 ]
* Furry Set should now look better with ponytail and pigtails.
+ Yearbook/chargen should now display corrected Furry Set.
[ 1.0.20 - alpha patch, beta 2011 July 29th ]
* DLC stub.
[ 1.0.21 - alpha patch. ]
* Fix to crash in dlc_index_remote.
* Entangle cleaned up slightly.
+ Magical Diary signer should now include bytecode.rpyb in catalog.
[ 1.0.22 - alpha patch. ]
* Removed obsolete SmartErrorReporter cruft.
* Move _renpy_tegl import into apply_6_11_patches()
* Screenshot no longer overridden on 6.12.2.
* Check for 6.12 moved into enginepatch.rpy
* GLDraw_set_mode override moved into apply_6_11_patches()
* Used MeeGo to recompile The new one appears to allow mode changing.
* Added ADDITIVE to draw_transformed.
* SUBTRACTIVE and DODGE added to draw_transformed.
* ADDITIVE, SUBTRACTIVE, and DODGE constants added to render.
* ADDITIVE, SUBTRACIVE, and DODGE constants properly imported into the Ren'Py object namespace.
* gldraw debug messages trimmed.
* new gldraw now correctly resets config.screen_width.
* Hooks for hiding the updater (see distributor.rpy) added.
* Hooks for hiding the yearbook (see distributor.rpy) added.
+ Generated RPM spec file.
{ 1.0.23 - Linux fullbuild. }
+ RENPY_SAVEDIR environment variable added to 6.12.2.
{ - Linux fullbuild. }
+ Messing with MeeGo desktop files.
{ - Linux fullbuild. }
+ Removed unneccessary files from Linux fullbuild.
{ - Linux fullbuild. }
* Removed debug statement in spells.rpy that crashes 6.12.2.
{ 1.0.25 - Linux fullbuild. }
* Attempts to correctly obtain background for teleport_start in 6.12.2.
* Some software renderer warnings hidden for 6.12.2.
* 'Enabled 6.12.2' debug message trimmed.
* printshown()'s removed from week23.rpy.
* printshown() should no longer crash on 6.12.
* dungeon.rpy decrufting.
* references to predict_info cleaned up, should now work on 6.12.
* obsolete teleport_effect label pulled.
{ - Linux fullbuild. }
* Visible keyboard support added to SmartInput.
* Save game screen now correctly positions the visible keyboard.
* Visible keyboard now modal.
* Visible keyboard now works in Inscription.
* SmartInputs now have a keyboard_permanent field.
* 'Debug: Load in dungeon should block rollback' message trimmed.
{ - Linux fullbuild. }
* get_say_attributes overridden with a null version in 6.12, bypassing MeeGo crash.
{ - Linux fullbuild. }
* Should now letterbox the screen properly when getting Walking in Darkness ending in widescreen.
* Decrufting.
* save_pager buttons spaced out a bit.
* save_pager variant for touchscreens added.
* Widescreen buttons now use menu_choice_button style.
+ MeeGo .desktop file should now use 'tablet touch' variant.
* Wedding dress equipping should now look right on widescreen.
* Divorce should look right on widescreen.
* Expulsion from sleeping too much should look right on widescreen.
* Reaching first exam without any points in magic should look right on widescreen.
* show_expelled should look right on widescreen.
* Spellbook now uses 7-spell pages on touchscreens.
* Visible keyboard improved.
{ - Linux fullbuild. }
* Italicization fixup on 'he wants to be {i}mine{/i}.
* Touch-mode top buttons look better.
+ MeeGo RPM build script should now include libGLU.
* libGLU mentioned in LICENSE.txt.
{ - Linux fullbuild. }
+ rpm build script should no longer include the MeeGo-Support directory.
{ - MeeGo RPM }
+ MeeGo changes applied to trunk.
* touchscreen save_pager variant moved to ui_touch.rpy, since screen variants are not supported by 6.11.2b.
+ distributor.rpy from 6.12.2 moved in.
+ Patch signer now correctly handles ignore_prefaces. This fixes an assortment of bugs upgrading to versions later than
{ - Alpha patch. }
* Crashes in spellbook in 6.11 introduced by 6.12 compatibility fixed.
{ - Alpha patch, 2011 Aug 24 }
* Crash that can occur if the game fails to read the saved game directory fixed.
* Yearbook upload failure should now create a file.
* Eyepatches added.
+ Eyepatch moved behind glasses in yearbook.
+ Eyepatch now works in fatgirl yearbook pictures.
{ 1.0.26 - alpha patch. }
+ Yearbook now allows dots in people's names.
* Yearbook upload should no longer crash if there's Unicode in your data.
+ Yearbook now displays (some) Unicode characters.
+ Yearbook pages should now be served in UTF-8.
+ Yearbook index now displays (some) Unicode characters in names.
{ 1.0.27 - alpha patch - 2012 Feb 12 }
* Now counts pastries bought.
* New plot chunks & tweaks.
* Comment todo notes trimmed.
* Spacing fixes.
* 'weight, solidarity, and permanence' changed to 'weight, solidity, and permanence.'
* Pastries now stay available if you've bought >=5.
* Tallboy robe png slightly optimized.
* Big Steve dance picture works.
+ Yearbook now supports Big Steve and Mr. Hoppity signatures.
{ 1.0.28 - alpha patch }
* You should no longer get the January 25th allowance twice.
* Crash visiting the closed bakery with Big Steve in week26 fixed.
{ - alpha patch. }
* Bingo moved into Falcon Hall.
* Speaker added to "Um... What do you want?" getting coffee.
* The note from Mr. Hoppity should be fixed.
* Mary is now shorter at the dance.
* Pastel can now pounce you if you picked Big Steve.
* Choosing Big Steve no longer prevents Virginia from asking if Ellen's dating Donald in the final.
* Rest of tweaks to make Big Steve's path bring up 'no one' path text added.
{ 1.0.29 - alpha patch. }
* Mary moved up in Big Steve dance photo.
{ - alpha patch. }
* Big Steve dance sprite slightly optimized.
* Big Steve dance photo adjusted a bit.
{ - alpha patch, beta 2012 February 27 }
* dlc.rpy blanked, to fix a bug updating in Vista. Note that this bug will afflict past versions that have dlc.rpyc. Versions greater than 1.0.20 and less than 1.0.30 can be forced to update by deleting dlc.rpyc. { 1.0.30 }
* You should no longer get Virginia telling you that the pastry place closed down if you've already seen it with Big Steve.
{ 1.0.31 - fullbuilds; alpha 4/20 }
^ Steam API hooks.
^ unlock_trophy should now set Steam achievements as appropriate.
^ Steam hooks now load the new dlls from the correct directory.
^ Steam now sets all unlocked trophies on startup.
^ Steam hooks integrated with Quit.
^ Updater disabled in Steam build.
* Decrufting.
* New trophy icons.
* Trophy unlock now uses new icons.
{ 1.0.32 - alpha patch 4/26, beta 4/26, Mac fullbuild 4/26, stable 4/29 }
^ Python/ctypes-compatible Steam API bindings for Mac.
+ Unused source backups removed.
{ 1.0.32 - Win/Linux fullbuild 4/29 }
{ 1.0.32.x - steam internal builds. }
* When uploading a traceback with the updater disabled, FIXED responses will be handled as if they were OK responses.
^ Mac steam bindings actually work.
{ - Steam internal builds, win/Mac }
* Python/ctypes-compatible Steam API bindings for Windows.
* Decrufting.
* Default license key can now be specified by publisher.
Now falls back to trying to get the license key from game/licensekey.default if it cannot load licensekey.txt from the save dir.
{ - Steam Win/Mac fullbuilds }
* Credits now vertically centered.
* Now looks for licensekey.default in the directory containing the .exe or .app.
{ - Steam Win/Mac fullbuilds. }
* Code to read default license key cleaned up.
* Reading the default license key now works correctly on Mac.
{ - Steam Win/Mac fullbuilds. }
+ License.txt now formatted for DOS.
+ Yearbook now allows names that contain backticks.
+ ZipFileImage now returns a 16x16 red square if it cannot load the image from the zip. This fixes a crash caused by certain corrupt saves.
* Updater now notes changes to the renpy/ directory.
+ Magical Diary signer now checks renpy/ for updates as well.
+ Unused .pyc files removed.
{ 1.0.33 - Alpha patch July 21, 2012 }
* Server-side tweaks to yearbook and updater.
{ - Win/Mac/Linux fullbuilds. }
* Crash when you shift-R reload on the title screen fixed.
* R on title screen now resumes instead of reloading the script.
* N, L, O, H, and Q now act equivalently to clicking New Game, Load Game, Options, Help, and Quit.
* C and D now trigger Credits and Done in help screen.
* D and L now trigger Done and Licenses in credits screen.
* Casting Sleep, Fear, and a no-target spell on the Hooded Figure no longer crashes with 'NoTargetObject' has no attribute 'move_random' message.
* Light()s now placed in cells at the cursor position; this means that killing them will no longer crash.
* Destroying the doors when the Hooded Figure is planning to attack them (e.g. through Telepyre when he's forced you away) no longer crashes the game.
* Preexisting object positions now correctly set when entering a dungeon. This fixes a crash when you cast Dispel Object on the Floor.
* Corrupt files in gallery are now displayed as black rectangles instead of crashing.
* Traceback uploader now adds a Console: Used line if the debugger has been used.
* Traceback uploader now displays the exact same error message that will be uploaded.
* Traceback uploader made prettier.
* Numerous slideins fixed so the right edge should no longer block the date display on widescreen.
* Grabiner conversation tweak in.
* Debugger now available when the updater is disabled. This fixes the bug where cheats weren't accessible on Steam.
* Version number now shows up on debugger screen. (Useful for improved bug report handling.)
* You can now be expelled for getting <=-50 merits by blowing yourself up with a booby-trapped chest.
* You no longer get encountered-Manus special texts if Forewarning (or some other source of banishment) has already dispelled it.
* Decrufting.
* Manus no longer fades out twice when banished through Forewarning.
* Iä! now shows up properly when Inspecting inscriptions.
* Call now works on the Hodag.
* When a (non-Silenced) monster arrives in darkness or while you are blinded, you will now get 'You hear something arrive!' instead of 'A (monster) arrives!'
* Debug messages trimmed.
* Shield now blocks Wrong Way traps.
* Allowance now actually increases money on Oct 12 when Ellen is treasurer.
* Allowance now $5 instead of $1 on Feb 8 when neither Mary nor Ellen is treasurer.
* Jester font rearranged - all blank characters present in the font are now filled in or removed, all misplaced characters should be correctly placed, so Ĉ will no longer be ≠. This fixes a bug where you could put invisible characters into save names, which made backspace appear not to be working.
* Dispersion now affects the Hooded Figure.
* Casting Disruption on the Hooded Figure now only drains the MP for the spell he was attempting to cast instead of setting MP to 0.
* Freeze should now report the amount of damage done.
* Special expulsion text for being expelled due to cheating with the claw machine while married.
{ 1.0.34 - alpha patch 2012 Sep 8, pulled, fullbuilds. }
* Updater should now report which file failed when an exception occurs renaming a .new into the original filename.
* Updater should now report which file failed when an exception occurs renaming an original file to a .old.
* game_version now gets special handling from the updater.
* new Jester.ttf renamed JesterSpiky.ttf.
+ Note about renaming ttfs added.
{ 1.0.35 - alpha patch 2012 Sep 8 }
* Music tweaks when expelled for cheating on the claw machine.
{ - alpha patch 2012 Sep 8. }
* Updater should now update game_version normally, but at the END of the download. This fixes a bug where the game could report that it had been successfully updated when the update had been interrupted.
{ - alpha patch 2012 Sep 8. }
+ empty shortboy/_/ directory pulled.
+ (global Ren'Py 6.11.2 fix) Now checks to make sure pixels are actually being drawn; this should block GL in the event of the quarterscreen bug or black screen bugs.
+ (Global Ren'Py 6.11.2 fix) Outputs the reason for bug-check GL disablement to the error log.
* Crash when you use Fear on the Hodag should be fixed.
* Fleeing Hodags should now be correctly recorded as fleeing rather than leaving.
* Seal now fails on living creatures.
* Crash displaying sleeping Hodags from one angle fixed.
[ 1.0.36 - Alpha patch 2013 Jan 6; fullbuilds (need sanity check). Not bumped to beta due to swdraw bug. ]
+ Steam version prepping, in ~vapor.
+ Reordered Steam depots so integration stuff should now override release stuff.
+ Should have a working Mac build.
* apply_6_11_patches should now disable GL if _renpy_tegl fails to load.
[ 1.0.37 - Alpha patch 2013 Feb 15, fullbuilds 2012 Feb 15 ]
* Crash logging in apply_6_11_patches fixed.
[ - fullbuilds 2013 Feb 15 ]
+ If not gl (because tegl failed to load) then use the software renderer in 00gltest.rpy (Global 6.11.2 fix)
[ - fullbuilds 2013 Feb 15 ]
+ Workaround for AttributeError: 'SWDraw' object has no attribute 'physical_size' crash on Windows., in 00gltest.rpy - global 6.11.2 fix.
[ - patch 2013 Feb 15 ]
+ Patcher config file changed to include .rpys from common/.
+ Signer should now wait for you to press enter before syncing latest. This means I no longer have to watch the update hawklike and swoop in.
+ limit_extension stuff from demo patcher brought in.
[ - test patch 2013 Feb 17 ]
+ Include .txt files in patches.
+ Re-include .rpyb files in patches.
+ Patcher should no longer link to broken symlink targets. This means that the .rpa can be redownloaded if needed.
[ - test patch 2013 Feb 17 ]
[ - alpha patch 2013 Feb 17; beta 2013 Mar 16 ]
+ Patcher config changed to check for broken symlinks after building the patch. * Using the game_menu button while in the diary now restores the top buttons, fixing a bug where game menu->diary->escape would hide them and thus break the dungeons.
[ 1.0.38 - alpha patch 2013 Mar 16; fullbuilds 2013 Mar 16; beta 2013 May 11; stable 2014 Mar 29 ]
+ 1.0.38/Windows prepped for Steam release.
2014 Jan 1:
* traceback_vendor_line() added to tracebacks (default is '')
[ - Humblification test builds ]
+ renpy 6.11.2b tweak: put os/(win32,linux-x86,mac)/* in the appropriate builds.
* Moved updater.bat, updater_admin.bat, updater.exe, and updater.exe.manifest into the Windows-only section.
+ OpenGL/software windowed mode shell scripts for OS X and Linux added.
+ Stubby Win32 batch files added, NOT TESTED.
[ - test builds, not released. ]
* Win32 GL/safe mode batch files fixed.
[ - test build, not released ]
[ 1.0.39 - Humblification build ]
+ Steam: no longer unsets LD_PRELOAD. This should make it play more nicely with systems where the GL selftest fails.
+ Steam: now will set and unset arguments based on launch options. That means you can set the launch options to, say, RENPY_RENDERER=sw to force the game to start in software mode.
+ Removed unneccessary libs from the Linux steam integration (libtier1, vstdlib). Updating actually does clobber them.